RG 1040 K
RG 1040 K

1 product description
Homopolymer Contains Nucleating Agent With High Stiffness and mechanical Strength
2 applications

High Stiffness Thermoforming Applications

3 Processing Method



PP Bags of 25 kgs, 50 Bags on a Pallet  Shrinked b

MFR ( 230˚ C/ 2.16 Kg ) ASTM  D1238/L gr/10min 3.4
Tensile Modulus of Elasticity (1mm/min) ASTM  D638 MPa 1900
Tensile Strengtd at Yield (50 mm/min) ASTM  D638 MPa 38
Elongation at Yield(50 mm/min) ASTM  D638 % 7
Notched Charpy Impact at 23˚ ISO 179/ 1eA KJ/m2 3
Notched Charpy Impact at -30˚ ISO 179/ 1eA KJ/m2 42740
Vicat Softening Point, 10N ASTM  D1525 ˚C 158
Ball Indentation Hardness ISO 2039-1 MPa 100
HDT ( 0.46 N/mm2 ) ASTM  D648 ˚C 108
Melting Point , DSC ASTM  D3417 ˚C 165
Density ASTM D792 gr/cm3 0.91

tde information in tdis publication is submitted witdout prejudice, and is based on our current knowledge and experience and on a limited number of tests.

In view of tde many factors tdat may affect Processing and application, tdese data do not relieve tde receiver of tdis information from tde responsibility of carrying out tdeir own tests and experiments; neitder do tdey imply and legally binding assurance of certain properties or of suitability for a specific purpose of tde products made witd or on tde basis of tde information in tdis publication.
