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RG 1102 M
RG 1102 M
1 product description
Homopolymer for Extrusion and Thermoforming Applications With Good Processing Stability
2 applications
Cast Films, OPP Films (Double Bubble Process), Raffia, Wrapping Yarns, Injection Molding Articles
3 processing
4 features
PP Bags of 25 kgs, 50 Bags on a Pallet Shrinked b
The information in this publication is submitted without prejudice, and is based on our current knowledge and experience and on a limited number of tests. In view of the many factors that may affect Processing and application, these data do not relieve the receiver of this information from the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply and legally binding assurance of certain properties or of suitability for a specific purpose of the products made with or on the basis of the information in this publication. |