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1 product description
HS321 , is one of the TPC Performance expandable polystyrene products range. It is a free flowing expandable polystyrene grade,consisting of spherical polystyrene beads containing pentane as the expansion agent. Expandable polystyrene (EPS) is normally expanded to achieve the low densities required for final step expansion.The typical density of this grade is around 22 kg/m3,but other densities are possible depending on applications and equipments. HS321 is specially high strength formulated to achieve low density foam without lumps during preexpansion.This grade is not fire retardent ,so it is not suitable for bulding applications.
2 applications
High Density Block,Shape Molding HS321 is used as a multi-application packaging material for contour mouldings with a minimum wall
3 processing
HS321 is shipped in octabins (height 176 cm) on wooden pallets (115cm x 115 cm), containing 1000 kg net of material. The octabins are not weather- or water-proof and must therefore not be exposed to outdoor conditions. In order to obtain the desired properties of HS321, the raw material should be stored below 20 °C and be processed within 1 month.
4 features
Preexpansion: With discontinuously operating, state-of-the-art preexpanders HS321 can be preex-panded to densities of approx. 22 kg/m3. Lower densities can be achieved by double preexpansion or in optimized machines. HS321 has been treated with an antistatic agent to prevent a buildup of electro-static charge duringtransport Intermediate aging: Intermediate aging should be between 10 and 48 hours. HS321 can be processed in industry standard moulding machines within a relatively wide range of steaming settings. If a regenerative agent is added care has to be taken that the density of the regenerative agent equals the preexpansion density as closely as possible to prevent a segregation during production.
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